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Support and solutions for all working parents


Because we’re committed to our children and to our careers. 

Because a single person can succeed in two different roles – without contradiction and without apology. 

Because working parents come in all forms: male and female, gay and straight, biological and adoptive, in any profession, from every background, representing all family structures,
faiths and beliefs, and parenting children of all ages.

Because every working parent deserves support and dignity. 

Because there’s no playbook – so we’re writing our own.  


Because we’re building the future, while raising it.


Our Mission

Workparent provides working mothers and fathers, and the organizations that employ them, with the information and tools they need to succeed – and to take dignity and pride in doing so. 


For Individuals 

We offer working parents – mothers and fathers, biological and adoptive, gay and straight, from all professions and walks of life, parenting children of all ages – the practical advice and ongoing inspiration needed to thrive at home and at work.